Matthew's gospel and Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

I saw The Dark Knight Rises last night and it had a scene at the end which reminded me of a cryptic scene in Matthew's gospel when Christ is crucified. So this is your spoiler alert, if you haven't seen the movie and are planning on it.
Here is the passage from Matthew 27:52,53
The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.
It's an interesting couple of verses because it's so miraculous it borders on near absurdity for even an evangelical. When evangelical theologian Mike Lacona wrote a massive defense of the historicity of the resurrection, The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach, he ended up resigning from his job for writing that his understanding this passage is not literal. He wrote, "Based on my reading of the Greco-Roman, Jewish, and biblical literature, I proposed that the raised saints are best interpreted as Matthew's use of an apocalyptic symbol communicating that the Son of God had just died..." All I'm getting at is this passage is controversial, but, for me, Batman helped me understand it a little better.

In the movie, Batman dies for his city, sort of like Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia, and Jesus in the gospels. But his death is a victory for those who were trapped in the city under the oppression of Bane's lawless gangs. Batman freed an army of police officers who were able to defeat the gangs as he located the nuclear bomb. Their victory was empty until the time bomb was neutralized. He neutralized it. He delivered them from their certain deaths. Then there was this cool scene in the movie that made me think of Matthew. I don't know who the narrator's voice was, perhaps the Commissioner's, commenting as people started opening their front doors and stepping out again onto the formerly deadly streets, that the prisoners were set free or that the entombed were coming out, I don't remember which verbiage was used, but it resonated with me, as if someone struck a gong. In my head, this was straight from Matthew's gospel. This is the non-miraculous interpretation of Matthew's report of the zombies walking around Jerusalem. He's the only gospel writer to report this. Is it possible, as other orthodox Christians like Licona have, to find room for a metaphorical or apocalyptic interpretation? I guess, for today, I'm starting the Batmanalytical school of thought...

The tombs were opened [the self imposed cells were unlocked] the bodies of the saints [those who believed in Jesus] who had fallen asleep [went into hiding because of his death] were raised [they came out celebrating and saying "What now! I told you so!"] and coming out of the tombs [there homes where they hid in shame and despair] after his resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many [tooting their Jesus horns].


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