closed and centered sets in church
*************************** Update January 2016. Dave Schmelzer has addressed some objections like mine in his essay here . *************************** This week I listened to most of a sermon from the Boston Vineyard on homosexuality from their 2011 series on hard questions . The sermon's title is Homosexuality and Churchgoing and was given by the lead pastor, Dave Schmelzer . I didn't hear the last fourth of the sermon, so he might have said what I am going to say here, but his ideas got me thinking. Basically, he appeals to a mathematical analogy for his ecclesiology, centered sets vs. closed sets. This is nothing new, but for those to whom it is new, here is my quick breakdown. A closed set would be a circle defined by it's edge. A centered set would be defined by, you guessed it, the center. A church with a closed set ecclesiology would have some well defined behaviors expected of members, e.g. no smoking, drinking or dancing. A centered set church welcomes all wh...