James MacDonald-Why I'm Not Emerging

At Walk in the Word with Dr. James MacDonaldwe get another irenic criticism. Perhaps some things are strawmen as Andrew Jones contends. I will refrain from freaking out at Andrew Jones' sarcasm since that seems to be considered by emergent defenders a major sin of emergent critics. Another emergent blogger finds the silver lining in MacDonald's thoughts.
MacDonald's gist is, hey I've got 7000 people coming to my church and I baptize 200 people a month and i didn't even have to grow a goatee...oops. He does have one. It's a short article. Is it helpful? It's very reductionist, which drives those being reduced crazy, but his subtitle is A Brief Response to the Emergent Church. He notices things other critics notice and he has more cred because he knows those leaders and likes them.


Anonymous said…
hi john

not sarcasm. but i do find it interesting someone like James MacDonald who is intent on being non-emerging, hires David Crowder - a leading emerging church worship leader - to write and sing his theme song for a Walk in the Woods.

Ironic? Yes. And a little funny to me. But not sarcastic at all. James is a great man and i would be happy to go to his church.

We are all one family in Christ and some of us have a sense of humor.
Maybe its just that my sunday afternoon humorous exercise is not to your liking.

have a great week.
John Umland said…
my comments on your sarcasm was tongue in cheek. for some reason, some people think its an immoral form of persuasion. go ahead. i had to mention your blog since i found macdonald's piece from your blog.
keep the faith bro.

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