tragic manicures going on in the world

I just read a great short piece at about the Iranian media showing The Lord of the

Blood stained victim, Tehran, IranImage by misterarasmus via Flickr

Rings Trilogy to pacify the rightly upset public, HT: Get Religion. But then I followed a link to a slideshow of the violence against the protesters in Iran. But the tragedy is the list of the Top 10 read articles today at Time. Half of them are about Michael Jackson and one is about Farrah Fawcett. Two popular entertainers died while more are dying for more important things in Iran. In light of this, my brother reportedly, though I did not see it myself, wrote as his status on Facebook something like, "I don't care about Jackson dying when there are tragic manicures going on in the world." He had a brain fart. We all do. He meant "tragic massacres." His point is well taken. But I think, based on the media coverage I'm seeing today, most people act as if they don't care about injustice in Iran when there are tragic manicures and other pop vanities to worry about.

Pray peace and justice in Iran. Thank God that the US does not suffer from such tragic election fraud or transitions of power.

Basiji Offices, Tehran, IranImage by misterarasmus via Flickr

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