Unfossilized dino blood cells

Who doesn’t like the underdog? The fans of the overdog I guess.
My concentration in UConn's biology program was Ecology and Evolutionary biology. I have been reading creationist stuff, young earth and old earth stuff since elementary school. So this well preserved soft tissue from a T. rex femur sure make the Young Earth creationists look good, and they know it. Pictures.
However, not even all Christians can cheer for the Young Earth guys on this one. Rich Deem has an excellent Old Earth Christian site in which he attempts to explain how this isn’t a victory for the Young Earth crew.
How old is my earth? I don’t know. It seems pretty young to me today.


Anonymous said…
Your linked Deem site attempts to delve into the Hebrew "proving" that the days were long. But what he and Ross and all the rest forget(?) to do is mention that every time that Moses uses (in all his 5 books) 'yom' WITH an ordinal number, it means 24 hours. Of course you can play around with "the day of the Lord" type figures of speech. But let's talk about Moses. The absurdity is that they would answer (and they do!) that sure all the other dozens of place where he uses an ordinal number with 'yom' it DOES mean 24-hours, but just not in these two chapters. Why make that exception?
As per one of his many strawmen, "it takes years to produce fruit" this just shows their un-wllingness to allow God to create MATURE things. Ross wants Adam sliming up out of the ooze as a lizard, then a monkey, then a hominid....and then God chose one of these hominids to breathe into. It goes back to their unwillingess to let God do it the way He wants to. He brought out of the ground trees that produced fruit in one day. I don't see the problem???

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