15 questions for Joseph Smith

Townhall.com columnist Mike Adams has been researching Mormonism over
three articles now. At first he seems to be of the persuasion that
Mormons and Christians are cut from the same cloth. But by this third
article he has some questions. The really interesting stuff is in the
interaction in the comments by Mormons, ex-Mormons, Christians, etc.
He asks

1. True or False. Among your 33 well-documented plural wives, there
were close to a dozen unions in which the wife was already married to
another man.
2. True or False. In your lifetime, you married four different pairs of sisters.
3. True or False. You once married a young woman and also married her mother.
4. True or False. At least one of your plural wives was as young as fourteen.
5. True or False. Some of your marriages were the result of religious
coercion secured only after you told the prospective bride that
marrying you would ensure the bride's place in heaven.
6. True or False. You also coerced teenagers into marrying you by
promising their families a place in heaven.
7. True or False. You kept fourteen-year-old Helen Mar Kimball from
marrying her sweetheart Horace Whitney because you wanted to marry the
teenager instead.
8. True or False. You also asked Helen's father Heber C. Kimball to
give you his wife.
9. True or False. Before you eventually married Helen, you gave her a
24-hour deadline to give in to your offer of a place in heaven.
10. True or False. Two years after your death, Helen married her old
sweetheart Horace Whitney.
11. True or False. The marriage between Helen and Horace was only
temporary because Helen was already sealed by marriage to you for
12. True or False. Horace Whitney was sealed to an already dead Mormon
woman before his "temporary" marriage to Helen.
13. True or False. After her mother died, you approached teenager Lucy
Walker with a command that she marry you with the threat of eternal
damnation as the punishment if she refused.
14. True or False. The year before you died, you said the following to
Lucy: "I will give you until tomorrow to decide (whether to marry me).
If you reject this message the gate will be closed forever against
15. True or False. The Book of Mormon, which you transcribed from the
Golden plates given to you by the Angel Moroni says the following:
"Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which
thing was abominable before me, Saith the Lord." (Jacob 2:24).
16. True or False. The Book of Mormon, which you transcribed from the
Golden plates given to you by the Angel Moroni also says the
following: "Hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any
man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have
none." (Jacob 2:27).

i'm mailing in the URL since Blogger is down right now so this isn't a
pretty link

God is good


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