A Sad Death and a Christian Response

John H Armstrong : A Sad Death and a Christian Response: "When I read such news accounts I wonder how Christians should respond. I would guess some might say, “You really do reap what you sow. We ought to make this clear.” Still others might say we ought to appeal to “justice being served” since she appears to have shown a particular kind of favoritism that is reprehensible to most people. I bowed my head and prayed for Dr. Denton’s family and her many friends as they try desperately to make sense of this tragedy. I also prayed for Grethcen Kalonji, that this sad news might cause her to seek God for grace in Christ the Savior of all. In the end I realize that as much as I hate the sin of people like the late Dr. Denton I am also reminded: “There but by the grace of God go I.” I am the chief of sinners and a debtor to grace alone. This does not make me wink at Dr. Denton’s ungodly ways if I am concerned about culture and morality. But it does make we want to be more human, and thus humane in my dealings with gays and lesbians."


Anonymous said…
How about starting proceedings to have Denton elevated to Sainthood? She endured such suffering, having no husband or children to love.. only a girlfrind. And she earned hardly enough money to make ends meet. Still, by pinching pennies, and saving $30,000 for a dog kennel she proved her love -- at least for animals if not for those working folk who paid her salary.
John Umland said…
i agree with Armstrong, that there but for the grace of God go I

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