1000th post

i started this blog in the midst of the battle for Terri Schiavo's life in march 2005. in 22 months i've managed to produce 1000 posts, almost 2 per day, although i don't post daily. if there's nothing to say or something better to do, i won't post. i've had over 7000 hits since i added my hit counter in Nov. 2005. technorati ranks me in the 60,000th range. my tagging on the earlier posts are pretty weak but the tags show my priorities in blogging...
emerging church
house church
human rights
book reports

and i guess these topics say something about me. but all those other topics on the side bar and in the zoom cloud add some more details. today's quote on my google home page is by George Bernard Shaw, "The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and all time." my high school english teach told us to write what we know. i know i don't write much, i mostly quote. something i did write got a lot of hits, the review of the Christian Mormon dialogue. nothing got close to the hits i got on kuppies and pittens. i hope some of those random hits turned into regular readers. lately i've had abundant hits on Tim Keller and hell. just last week, George Will's article about his son with Down Syndrome has attracted alot of attention. i think many of my readers come from the Pro-life blog aggregator which i'm glad i am a part of. in case one wonders where i get most of my links, i use the Feedblitz service to send me a daily update of all the blogs i read. i enjoy it much better than an RSS reader. i like it because it is static and removes me one step from instantly commenting on a blog in a knee jerk fashion. i suggest you also subscribe not only to this blog with it but all the others you read. if a blog has an RSS feed, Feedblitz can collect for you. angry commenting has certainly decreased on this blog since i insisted on identification.
thanks for sharing life here.


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