my blessings - perseverance of the gay saints

Keeping with my commitment to count my blessings this Advent season of 2014 I raise my glass to the gay saints in America. This group knows how to persevere despite the buffeting from the wider culture as well as the smaller church culture they don't quit on. When I want to quit, I think of their struggle to see Jesus when his people, their brothers and sisters, represent him as hateful and bigoted, as I have in the past.

This blessing stood out to me yesterday as I listened to an interview with Jennifer Knapp, a Christian singer/songwriter who lost her very large church fan base when she came out of the closet. Her interview appeared on the BadChristian Podcast # 48. Two things in this interview lodged in my memory. The three guys interviewing her asked her how she felt about them believing homosexual activity is a sin. (To be fair to them, they think elevating sexual sin over any other is wrong of the church, and they all admit to their own sins.) She responded with so much grace and confidence. With grace she told them she's fine with them being where they are on their faith journeys. With confidence I think she knows she stands in the place of love, and that well meaning people seeking true love will end up near her. She did not sound threatened at all. Her peace encouraged me so much.

The second thing in the interview is a story she told about a friend who she initially avoided. She describes an evangelistic pentecostal guy, who leads people to Jesus and is open to the supernatural encounters with God's Spirit, who is a gay drag queen. He kept showing up at her shows until she stopped fearing him and got to know him. His life is much more complicated and confrontational of our culture's norms than hers, but both of them have not given up on Jesus as he has not given up on them.

There are other gay Christians who love Jesus and want the church to know how great is the love of God for them and the world. I am blessed by them.
Blessings on
Jennifer Knapp and the crew at BadChristian
Vicky Beeching
Justin Lee
Matthew Vines


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