The Lord's Prayer: Father
PATER is the first Greek word in the prayer, Father. the pronoun, "our/hEMWN" comes after the noun. Father is given prominence in the prayer. the prayer is addressed to Him, not to a cosmic force. Neither is the prayer addressed to "GOD" or "Lord" but to "Father." For Jesus, this was normal, but for his Jewish audience, this was a departure from the scriptures. In the Old Testament, GOD does not really convey his relationship to the Jews as paternal, but rather a master or a king or a husband or as a judge. Jesus adds the dimension he has eternally had with God his Father. And he invites us to address God as he does. This is unbounded intimacy. I'm invited to call the Creator of the Universe, my maker, my judge, the Holiest One, the first Mover, the one who made me for His Pleasure, the Potter who can crush this pot at any time, i can call Him Father. If He is my Father then i escape from his wrath but enter under his discipline. If He is my ...