interesting analogy - now i take it too far

Bill Lamorey is a CC pastor in Connecticut who started his church recently. He makes a very astute observation,
I am convinced that most Christians in the U.S. get enough spiritual food and rest and not enough exercise (let's be honest, eating is much more fun than exercise -physically and spiritually). The result is we've become morbidly obese (spiritually speaking) and consumption crazy ("feed me, feed me, feed me"). Much of it is the fault of pastors and church leaders when we create cultures of consumerism and do not encourage our church bodies or provide opportunities for them to get spiritual exercise. Shame on us all! I pray that you, me and people in churches all over America will push back from the table, burp, wipe our mouths and say. "We're full, lets' go get some exercise and bring some new people to the table who are starving!"

in the land of plenty (and the land of the obese), the U.S., the lethargy is hard to overcome. unfortunately, there isn't a diet pill for the spiritually overweight. the only cure is exercise. there isn't an easy solution to the abundant spiritual calories this Christian nation has to offer, simple, not easy. hence, the issue confronts motivation. some motivate by guilt, some by grace, some by incentives. i must confess, i feel lazy and fat when i read Bill's words. i am shamed as Bill pronounces on me. so then the issue is how much do i do to alleviate the guilt? how much is enough? so i end at trying to be like Jesus who only did what Father was doing. and seek His favor from Him and not concern myself with how much more other children are doing. i think...


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