How is the trinity both three and one? Early Christian Doctrines
The struggle over the comprehension of God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is well covered in J.N.D. Kelly’s book, Early Christian Doctrines . Some viewed Him as one who manifests himself in three roles (modalism/ Sabellianism / monarchianism ). Some only gave the Father due worship as God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit sub-god roles ( Arianism / Jehovah's Witnesses ). A couple guys named Greg and someone named after a spice, Basil, had some better ideas. This brings us to an element in the Cappadocians ’ thought which their critics often ignore, viz. their belief in the simplicity and indivisibility of the divine essence. In certain moods they seem reluctant to apply the category of number to the Godhead at all, taking up the old Aristotelian doctrine that only what is material is quantitatively divisible. How can we be accused of tritheism, exclaims Evagrius , seeing we exclude number entirely from the spiritual nature of deity? According to Gregory of Nyssa , number is indic...