NaNoWriMo 2015

Did you know November is the month to write your novel? Check out National Novel Writing Month.

I am inspired to write, but not a novel. But I do want to write on my blog daily in November. I have some ideas.

Mostly, I want to process some thoughts on hell. I plan to do some theological deconstruction and reconstruction, continuing the process I've been in over the past two years. Arguing with myself and disagreeing with old posts I've written here. I started this blog 10 years ago. I am maturing. My view of the world is changing. My view of God is changing. I am evolving and sharing the journey here.

I closed comments last year,so if there is something you all, my dear readers- all 35 of you including the bots and web crawlers, want me to cover, contact me through facebook or twitter or google+.


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