book report - The Lurcher by Frank Walker

i read my other book too fast on vacation so i read this novel my wife brought. my vote, thumbs up, but i'm a sentimental guy. i like sentimental movies too. we recently enjoyed Waking Ned Divine and The Englishman who went up a hill and came down a mountain... The Lurcher is by a Brit too, set in the far North of England. A Lurcher is a type of dog, the kind of mutt we own, which is a cross between a hound and a collie and a shepherd. Every time we go visit my wife's parents, and leave the dog under her dad's care, the dog escapes and runs like the wind, not only fast, but untouched by vehicles on busy roads. God is good to my dog. She escaped this weekend too, and ran a mile down the beach and back without losing her breath. Fortunately, she is easily bribed with food when on the lam. Lurchers are a British thing, so most websites on them are British. i guess we are fortunate that there isn't Lurcher-branded paraphanaelia for us to buy.


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