A Modern Parable and “Those We Do Not Speak Of”

MoreheadsMusings: A Modern Parable and “Those We Do Not Speak Of”
since he moderates comments, and mine don't always get published, here is my comment...
i'm surprised you don't see an even closer parallel to the Mormon culture state you live in. i think there are more bogeymen in the mormon world than the evangelical one too. but what about the amish or the mennonites? are they Christian sub-cultures we should view negatively, like "the village?" it was a great movie. i saw the analogy of cults, not american Christian sub-culture. a friend of mine visited an Amish farm and asked about their ability to evangelize. the farmer replied that non-Christians flock to observe them and talk to them. plenty of evanglization happened from the Amish to their visitors. i talked with an Amish team from Ohio who was helping rebuild a house in Bay St. Louis Mississippi after Katrina, they did have to hire someone to drive them down there. Monasteries also are surprisingly effective centers of evangelism. People are drawn to something so different. i recommend The Celtic Way of Evangelism by George Hunter as an example of monks who walked among the people they sought to evangelize but established refuges within those communities where a different lifestyle was lived in conformity.
God is good


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