Love makes a Family? a reply to a commenter

A commenter didn't like my earlier post. I wrote a long reply so I thought i'd post it here also, 
with the links

Hi AK06, i appreciate you taking the time to post a comment, but i'm not sure you read my post thoroughly...i'm really not interested in a scientific study smackdown. i did point to one study written up in USA Today that demonstrated that kids raised in two parent homes are better off than other situations...averages hide the extremes, there are children who do extremely well in single parent homes, or gay parent homes and there are children who do horribly in traditional families. I recommend reading the entire "talking points" link which includes statistical conclusions such as,
Thousands of published social science, psychological and medical studies show that children living in fatherless families, on average, suffer dramatically in every important measure of well-being. These children suffer from much higher levels of physical and mental illness, educational failure, poverty, substance abuse, criminal behavior, loneliness, as well as physical and sexual abuse. Children living apart from both biological parents are 8 times more likely to die of maltreatment than children living with their mother and father." MUST a child be raised by both? No. Must a child be denied the opportunity? Again from the "talking points," "A loving and compassionate society never intentionally creates motherless or fatherless families, which is exactly what every same-sex home does.

as many civil union opponents from the gay side assert, including a person is not the same as being married to them.

as far as the first generation to be raised by gay parents, this could be the first one done with approval by society, and affirmation of it, which is a new social dynamic, makes this generation different.
another scary assertion is that it makes no difference who raises the child. ask a child raised in an orphanage. ask adopted children. what about Rosie O'Donnell's son?...again from "Talking Points"..."Rosie O’Donnell shared this story in an ABC Primetime Live interview with Diane Sawyer:

Six-year-old Parker asks his mother, Rosie: “Mommy, why can’t I have a daddy?” Rosie answers: “Because I’m the kind of mommy who wants another mommy.”"

an adult can choose to redefine his family but a child can't, and forcing the child to not have a mother or a father, at home, married, is contrary to the child's nature.

i can leave you to your choice, but if your choice becomes legislated, then my opinion becomes hate speech. Mitt Romney pointed out, "Parents complained when a second-grade teacher read aloud a story in which a prince marries another prince, rather than a princess. The superintendent responded that the school was 'teaching children about the world they live in, and in Massachusetts, same-sex marriage is legal.'" from this subsequent post which links to a Christianity Today article. that article concludes,
Maggie Gallagher, president of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, is not so sure that other states will be protected from having to acknowledge same-sex marriages from Massachusetts. If that happens, she believes charities that oppose homosexual unions would be treated with the same stigma as institutions that sponsor racism. As a result, religious schools and missions could lose their tax-exempt status, she said.

so you can call anyone your family, i consider my church a family, but our genetics define who our family is, half from a woman and half from a man, who shouldn't have been exchanging genetics outside the bond of marriage, but that's God's idea, not mine.


Joe said…
Well said!

I have notice that quite a few people comment on posts throughout the blogophere without really reading the entire post.

Never me, of course.

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