congressional stem cell debate

"Going back to Specter's claim that embryonic stem cell research is morally justified because it does not cause the destruction of human life. Senator Specter is right. Destroying embryo's for research purposes shouldn't be halted by the ethical police from pro-life advocates. In fact, the Senator has the moral high ground...If. If the embryo itself is not a bonified human. The mere name "embryo" point directly to the kind of thing it is, a living human in the embryonic stage. Embryo's are specific types of things, which give them their name. An infant is called an infant because it is in the infant stage of development. Take that same infant and follow it through it's developmental process to it's adolescence stage. Logically and scientifically speaking the present day adolescent is the same human being as the infant, just in a later stage of development. Apply this to the embryonic stem cell research debate. The same infant prior to it's infant stage was once a fetus, embryo, and zygote. Each are distinct scientifically proven facts."


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