The Lord's prayer: Our

Our - hEMOWN- hay-moan - of us...
Jesus brings us into the relationship he has with God, Father. He invites us to become part of the family. Part of his family. He invites us into adoption. We can begin what he has eternally had, a perfect relationship with someone who loves and oversees and knows us. David's Psalm 139 comes to mind.
Additionally, not only do we pray with Jesus, we pray with each other. All too often my prayers are done alone. Around this prayer in Matthew 6 Jesus does advise to pray without show and even in a closet. Prayers alone are good. Jesus prayed alone on mountains and through the night. But prayer together is also good. Both should be happening with similar frequency. When i pray this alone i am aware i'm praying with Jesus and also with the saints around the world who are praying at the same moment. This prayer is worded for community prayer.
Community prayer is good for me. Have i confessed my inadequacy as intercessor? i am inadequate. If i'm sitting in a quiet place praying, i fall asleep. It's great that prayer is relaxing to me, but i don't feel much has been gained from that time either for me or others or God. So i pray while i'm physically active, walking the dog, biking, working, making dinner. When i join others in prayer things are a little better. i may fall asleep but i have had visions for people in those trances. when i pray with others i receive words of knowledge. when i pray with others i know i'm joining a great work on behalf of others. when i pray with others their words minister to me. the Holy Spirit blesses me through them. other's prayers assist me and my thoughts. i pray more intelligently, more purposefully. not that dumb aimless praying is bad, sometimes fellowship with God is great in itself.
for all those benefits it is hard for me to force myself to pray with others. i am introverted. i am inconvenienced. i am sometimes irritated with others prayers. everything is outside of my control. and i think that is the point for me. when i am not in control, i learn to submit and God sometimes takes control and gives me spiritual gifts to share with those i am praying with or for.

i need "us" to get closer to the "Father of us"...


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