King Philip's War- Results; book report: Mayflower part 4

Nathaniel Philbrick, author of Mayflower: A Story of Community, Courage, and War, is not writing in an historical vacuum. Hence, I don't think this quote is written without thoughts toward the US's current involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Not for another hundred years would the average per capita income in New England return to what it had been before King Philip's War.

The war that was to have removed forever the threat of Indian attack had achieved exactly the opposite of its original intention. By cutting such a wide and blood-soaked swath between themselves and the Indians, New Englanders had thrown the region our of balance. Without "friend Indians" to buffer them from their enemies, those living in the frontier were left open to attack. Over the course of the following century, New England was ravaged by a series of Indian wars. Unable to defend themselves, the colonies that had once operated as an autonomous enclave of Puritanism were forced to look to the British Crown for assistance. Within a decade of King Philip's War, James II had appointed a royal governor to rule over New England, and in 1692 Plymouth became a part of Massachusetts. By doing their best to destroy the Native people who had welcomed and sustained their forefathers, New Englanders had destroyed their forefathers' way of life. p.346
Are they to blame for change? Change was inevitable. But was war the only or necessary way to adapt to the change?


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