Good News for 2010

The good news for every year starts with Jesus.

As Paul writes to Titus, his protege in Crete.

3 Once we, too, were foolish and disobedient. We were misled by others and became slaves to many wicked desires and evil pleasures. Our lives were full of evil and envy. We hated others, and they hated us. 4 But then God our Savior showed us his kindness and love. 5 He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. 6 He generously poured out the Spirit upon us because of what Jesus Christ our Savior did. 7 He declared us not guilty because of his great kindness. And now we know that we will inherit eternal life.
Titus 3 (NLT)
Hear it read aloud.

the Stainned Gless of depicting the Holy Spirit.Image via Wikipedia

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