The Bible and Money

Finances are complicated for American Chrisitans. The rubber meets the road for us in the land of plenty. This series,Free Money Finance: The Bible and Money, gives a nice summary.

I also have been blessed by The Dave Ramsey Show. I borrowed from the public library his book The Total Money Makeover almost 2 years ago and have embarked on his 7 step plan to "financial peace." i konw my peace comes from Christ, and so does Ramsey, but he's not ashamed to market himself. Here are his 7 baby steps
*$1,000 to start an Emergency Fund
*Pay off all debt using the Debt Snowball
*Three to six months of expenses in savings
*Invest 15 percent of household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement
*College funding for children
*Pay off home early
*Build wealth and give! Invest in mutual funds and real estate


DEBTective said…
Bub, just wanted to say thanks for spreading the word about Dave Ramsey and debt freedom. Good luck on deep-sixing your debt, and thanks for working for The Man Upstairs. Way to go, baby!

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