Where were the Hindus when we had no schools?

Anbry Hiindus attacked an educational mission in Uttar Pradesh, but the local tribal people being helped prevent his lynching....

Jagat Rana, leader of the Tharu, told AsiaNews that the tribals “were spread across dozens of villages in the area, but deprived of government-run educational institutions. Our children are by and large forced to remain illiterate.”

However, around 10 years ago, he continued, “Christian organizations arrived and started to sow seeds of education for our Tharu children. The Christians do talk about their Bible and practice their religious rituals, but they never asked or forced anyone to convert.”

Rana said “some Tharus attend their programs but there is no harm in that because Christians are not teaching violence or hatred. Rather they give the message of love and human solidarity."

The tribal leader wondered why “these Hindus are bothered about all this. Where were they when we had no schools? Why are they against these innocent Christians who are concerning themselves about us? I think it is all a conspiracy to keep us in ignorance, forced to work as slaves on their land not to die of hunger.”

He added: “Our community will stand behind these Christians under all circumstances. They are the saviors of our children from the darkness of illiteracy."


Anonymous said…
Conversion bid ends in murder attempt.

NT Bureau
Chennai, July 29:

A police inspector, who allegedly threatened a youth to convert to Christianity, finds himself in a soup. The 32-year-old youth today alleged that the police inspector had tried to kidnap him and end his life since he refused to convert.

According to police, the youth identified as Raj Kumar (32), was running a computer spare parts shop in Tiruchy. A few years ago, he fell in love with a lady cop Maria Lousia and married her.

A few days back, Maria Lousia filed a complaint alleging that her husband has been missing for the last few days. Meanwhile, Raj Kumar, appeared before mediamen at Chennai Press Club today.

He said, 'when I refused to convert to Christianity, Lousia and her family ill-treated me and even foisted cases against me. We got estranged and lived separately.' Meanwhile, Lousia's father, who is also a police inspector, hired a few men and they kidnapped me some days back. They relieved me of my ATM card, cell phone and cash. I managed to escape from them and with the help of my friends reached Chennai'.

His denial to convert Christianity is the prime reason for a bid on his life. Rajkumar urged the police to take appropriate action against them.
John Umland said…
it is absolutely horrible that someone would abuse their power to force a conversion by force. its a good thing there are laws against it. too bad there are laws that make any type of conversion possible, especially if they need approval by the local authorities.

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