Epicenter is a nonfiction book by Joel Rosenberg. Essentially, it's a Bible study on Ezekiel 38-39, from which he has based his political thrillers, two of which i have reviewed
here and
here. He makes a case for current headlines aligning with Zeke's prophecies, such as Russia and Iran allying, Israel making peace with neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan, and totalitarianism rising again in Russia. If Ezekiel's record is this good then Rosenberg expects to see a couple more things; a peaceful and economically strong Iraq that will rebuild Babylon, Israel becoming a oil and gas producer for the world, and the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. He doesn't deal with the rapture, as Zeke doesn't but he mentions it a couple times. Some Christians think this reading of Biblical prophecy is a bunch of bunk, but I don't and I think Rosenberg makes a good case. Rosenberg is quite ecumenical in his work. He seeks the positive in all religions and reports on amzing conversations with Jews and Muslims. The book is a quick read, and the sources are abundant, although very selective, which is necessary in a short book. I enjoyed it and I recommend it to all geopolitical hobbyists. btw, the epicenter is where an earthquake originates from. He considers Israel the epicenter of geopolitics. in light of this, he makes no mention of China, he concedes the US has no part in biblical prophecy, and North Korea is not on his radar either.
God is good
I'll have some vids up on my you tube site, www.youtube.com/o0xst and possibly some other things.
One of my biggest problems is that he sees NO problem with radical neo-liberalism. Totally doesn't see all the sickness that has flooded into Russia since we forced the system down their throat. Massive amounts of porn, prostitution, disgraceful distribution of wealth...etc...
When Putin said the fall of the Soviet Union was a bad thing, he meant because of these things coming to Russia and the former Soviet countries....Rosenberg merely says he's applauding Stalin. What non-sense!!! Well it gets worse. When an interviewer questioned Joel about the United States overthrowing the parliamentary elected Mossadegh in Iran, all Rosenberg could do was throw a fit and say "BIG DEAL THAT WAS 1/2 A CENTURY AGO!!!"
To him, we're completely incapable of committing crimes and the rest of the world can do nothing but. He keeps disgraceful company as well...Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? Glenn Beck???? Pretend their politics are spot on, still they are barbarically cruel men. This is unacceptable.
And he tells everyone, without a doubt that Russia-Iran and Putin are Magog and Gog. I don't believe God is so simple as to not let these things be something less subtle as an economic system like Globalization, implemented by someone like Milton Friedman whos family hails from due North of Jerusalem (Ukraine) but I don't run around saying I'm shining a light on the theif in the night like Joel does!!!!
Oh, and another thing. There is no evidence of him writing "The Last Jihad" before 9-11. Why was it published in late 2002? He gives an explaination in Epicenter, but I do not buy it. Do you know anything about his agent??? He is a very shady character from what I can tell...interested in making a buck and little else...no knowledge of scriptures or any of that stuff.
People need to know whats up here...he's really getting popular, and he's doing it via a machine run by UnGodly men....
I think there is hope...Joel seems to be, like what Rich Mullins said...not a bad guy, just wrong.
stay in touch...
God is good