Gospel For Asia

I support a missionary and a school child in India through this organization. Every dime i send goes to India. Stateside work has to have its own support.

"Gospel for Asia trains and sends native missionaries because they have proven extremely effective. They are already familiar with the language and culture, and they live at the level of the people they serve, thus removing many social barriers...

Now over 25 years old, Gospel for Asia supports more than 14,500 missionaries working in some of the neediest Asian countries--primarily in the 10/40 Window. Although we have been working among the unreached since the ministry began, it has only been in the last 15 years that we have honed our strategy to reach the most unreached...

How can I help sponsor a native missionary?
...You can also call our office at 1-800-WIN-ASIA or click here for more information. You will receive an envelope and first-gift card with the picture and testimony of the native missionary you are helping. Each month as you continue supporting your missionary, we will send you a receipt for your gift. The lower portion of the receipt may be returned in the envelope provided for mailing the following month's support."


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